Balazs Tihanyi (btihanyi
You can always contact the author via e-mail to share your thoughts about the program (both suggestions and constructive criticisms are always welcome and greatly appreciated). Your feedback is very important to make this little tool better. | |
If you find a bug, you can report it at SourceForge's bug tracker without any registration. Before submit a bug, make sure you use the latest version of the program. Also, when it's not trivial, please add a detailed description how to reproduce the bug. If you are using Linux/Mono, please include that information, too. | |
You may submit feature requests as well. Share your ideas and suggestions what kind of new features would you like to see in the future versions. But please note, lots of other features are also planned and it can't be guaranteed that the new feature will be implemented within a short time. | |
If you have any questions about using NClass, feel free to ask them at the Help forum. You will surely get your answers there. But if you would rather share your thoughts, be sure to post your comments regarding anything at the Open Discussion forum. |
Mono Support
The Mono framework is now officially supported. If you want to use NClass on a platform other than Windows, just download the latest release of Mono and it should run NClass properly. Please note, the Mono implementation of WinForms may contain bugs that can't be by-passed in NClass, but hopefully will be fixed soon.
Known issues under Mono:
- Cannot load application settings
- The ErrorProvider icon rarely shows up
- Screen refreshing can be extremely slow (OS-dependent)
- Cannot print (well, it could if the PrintPreviewControl were removed)
- Mouse cursor doesn't change above the resize squares
- Drag & drop file opening doesn't work (on Windows)
- Button sizes in Options dialog are incorrect (some AutoSize problem)
- ToolStripSplitButton doesn't work with right Alignment, had to move to the left
- Cannot save into EMF format